Be Thou My Vision

I just finished a solo arrangement of “Be Thou My Vision.” It’s a traditional Irish hymn, and the tune lodged itself in my brain several weeks ago. The only way to get it out was to arrange it, and so I did over a Sunday afternoon. Sheet music and play-through video are here and in the Solo Arrangements section. Enjoy!

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I got released!

After serving nearly 7 years as ward choir director, I was finally released a few weeks ago. It’s a little bittersweet, but I knew the day would come. The Lord has new adventures and blessings with every calling, and I am looking forward to my new adventure. I will update the page as needed, and I will still be creating music. I may change to writing more solo arrangements than choir pieces since I don’t have a choir any more...

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“What Child is This?” performed by German group.

This is really cool! A group in Germany performed my arrangement of “What Child is This?” in this YouTube video.

They did a great job, so go ahead and give them a like!

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Sweet Hour of Prayer

I started this arrangement of “Sweet Hour of Prayer” some time ago, and I finally had time to finish it. My goal with this arrangement was to convey how prayer starts small and quietly, and then grows and intensifies due to need and circumstance. This arrangement can be found in the Choir Arrangements section. The play through video is below.

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Precious Child, so Sweetly Sleeping

This year for Christmas, I wanted my ward choir to do something different from all the familiar and traditional carols, but I also didn’t want to do something too new and popular. I found “Precious Child, so Sweetly Sleeping” at and it fit the bill perfectly. I did this arrangement a couple of months ago, and we are currently rehearsing it for performance in a couple of weeks. The sheet music and video can be found in Choir Arrangements.

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When I Survey the Wondrous Cross

I arranged this hymn for my choir to sing at Easter and it turned out very well. It can be found in the Choir Arrangements section along with the playback video.

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Small Revision in “What Child Is This”

I have made a very small edit (1 chord) to the piano accompaniment that makes performance much easier. There was a unintentional dissonance between the piano and choir parts at the beginning of the third verse that was causing my little ward choir to go off the rails during rehearsal. One of my choir members found the problem spot and we made an on-the-fly correction. The updated sheet music has been added to original post and the “Choir Arrangements” section.

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That Sacred Night – Revised

Last year I posted my first original Christmas hymn, “That Sacred Night.” In light of the call for submissions for the new hymn book, I have revised the hymn. I removed 2 verses, and adjusted some harmonies. My goal is to submit this hymn and maybe a couple others by the deadline next year. You can find this hymn in the Choir Arrangements section.

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What Child is This – New Choir Arrangement

I just finished an arrangement of “What Child is This” for my ward choir to sing at Christmas. I was looking for an arrangement with a flute obbligato, but I couldn’t find one. So I did what I always do and made my own arrangement. Instead of an mp3 for playback, I have uploaded a YouTube video of the playback from my MuseScore program. I have also included separate sheet music for the flute part. The sheet music and video can be found in Choir Arrangements.

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Jesus, My Savior – New Solo Arrangement

I was browsing through a song book called “Songs of Zion” published in 1918 (the same book where I found “If the Way be Full of Trial, Weary Not!“), And this song caught my attention. I decided to do a quick solo arrangement that I may sing in sacrament meeting next month. “Jesus, My Savior” can found in Solo Arrangements.

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